Jimmy Neutron

James Isaac Neutron, commonly known as Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius, is the protagonist and title character from the 2001 animated film of the same name and its Nickelodeon television series adaptation. Created by showrunner John A. Davis, he has been voiced by Debi Derryberry since the test pilot premiered in 1998. The character originated in the 1980s, created by Davis and series co-creator Keith Alcorn under the name of Johnny Quasar, and was developed in a 13-minute long short film pitched to SIGGRAPH sometime in 1997, and with production beginning in that year. However, since the name sounded similar to Jonny Quest, Davis brain-stormed various other monikers before coming up with the current name. Characterized by his distinctive gravity-defying hairstyle and ridiculously high IQ of 210, Neutron is an aerospace engineer, physicist, astronaut/astronomer, biochemist, computer programmer, and architect. He is considered one of the most intelligent people in Retroville and possibly the show's universe. Throughout the series, he is often seen with his companion, a silver-gray robot dog named Goddard and a rocket ship nicknamed the Strato XL which he uses in the opening sequence, both of which he invented. Furthermore, Neutron has a perennial rivalry with Cindy Vortex, who calls him "Nerd-tron" throughout the show.

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